2. Document sharing

Google Docs – https://www.google.ca/docs/about/

  • This document sharing program is easiest to use as it is accessible through the internet. We can share images, presentations and documents through google accounts.
  • It takes a few tries to get used to the program and all the tools available.


3. Version control

Git Software – https://git-scm.com/about

  • Git software offers an easy navigation through Version control with lay outs for changes in systems and files.


4. prototyping

.bubble – https://www.khanacademy.org/computing/code-org/computers-and-the-internet

  • This software offers no code prototyping for an easier and smoother process. This gives us access to designs and ideas for prototyping our product.
  • Is well known and well used, easy to do something someone has already created.


5. time tracking

Clockify – https://clockify.me/

  • This program offers easy time tracking with all functions needed including time sheets, reports and project management.


6. project management

Proofhub – https://www.proofhub.com/how-it-works

  • Great for simple connection and management duties. This software offers a mobile app for all day access.


7. Code Testing

Testing Whiz – https://www.testing-whiz.com/

  • Testing whiz offers web testing and a downloadable option. Includes access to whatsapp on the mobile phone.
  • pricey


8. Digital Marketing analyses

Domo –  https://www.domo.com/roles/marketing?utm_source=google&utm_medium=g&campid=7015w000001Off8AAC&gcreative=341955416836&gdevice=c&gnetwork=g&gkeyword=&gplacement=&gmatchtype=b&gtarget=&gadposition=&s_kwcid=AL!5964!3!341955416836!b!!g!!&gclid=CjwKCAjwq_D7BRADEiwAVMDdHtwNicXeI6hsSEniPMgfqrnHt_DunAW_ylLdgfZxn-nob7Ubn9putRoCKycQAvD_BwE 

  • Domo is accessible to clients and employees.
  • Offers BI leverage at high speed, while turning data into high quality visual representations


9. SEO

BoostSEO – https://www.boostability.com/free-consultation-b/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=bestseo&creative=380994094718&keyword=search%20engine%20optimization&matchtype=e&network=g&device=c&gclid=CjwKCAjwq_D7BRADEiwAVMDdHquzt5cXEZfJ-d_YtnOWMSDDKC_Cjs0wZ3rjBwG-lTPzNTDngcNuGxoClCQQAvD_BwE

  • Attaches to google chrome and all google search engines
  • Will optimize search-ability and give more options while researching.


10. page speed testing

google developer – https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/

  • extremely quick and easy access to testing page speeds.